Apple Music added to T-Mobile's 'Music Freedom' program
Jon Brodkin at Ars Technica:
Apple’s new music streaming service will no longer count against T-Mobile’s limits on high-speed data. T-Mobile announced the expansion of “Music Freedom” today, which in total exempts 33 music services from data limits imposed on certain customers.
“Apple Music has become the single most requested new addition to Music Freedom and counts for a full 80% of the requests coming in via Twitter. I heard every one of them, so it’s happening right now!” T-Mobile US CEO John Legere wrote today.
T-Mobile today also said that customers who buy the iPhone 6 this summer under its so-called “JUMP! On Demand” installment plan can swap it for the next iPhone without any new fees “and no change to your monthly payment.”
T-Mobile is still making crazy aggressive moves to bring in customers. I love it.