HBO Go arrives on Playstation 4...unless you're a Comcast customer
Karl Bode:
And the problem wasn’t just with Roku. When HBO Go on the Playstation 3 was released, it worked with every other TV-Everywhere compatible provider, but not Comcast. When customerscomplained in the Comcast forums, they were greeted with total silence. When customers called in to try and figure out why HBO Go wouldn’t work, they usually received incorrect statements from front level support (it should arrive in 48 hours, don’t worry!).
Fast forward nearly a year since the HBO Go Playstation 3 launch (it still doesn’t work), and Sony has now announced an HBO Go app for the Playstation 4 console. And guess what – when you go to activate the app you’ll find it works with every major broadband ISP – except Comcast. Why? Comcast still won’t really say, but the company appears to have backed away from claims that the delay is due to technical or customer support issues, and is now telling forum visitors the hangup is related to some ambiguous business impasse:
“HBO Go availability on PS3 (and some other devices) are business decisions and deal with business terms that have not yet been agreed to between the parties. Thanks for your continued patience.”
Comcast is amazing.