Introducing “Writing On The iPad: Text Automation with Editorial”
Fedrico Viticci:
“Writing On The iPad: Text Automation with Editorial” contains my review of Editorial with an in-depth explanation and critique of the app’s numerous features and workflow tools. My goal with this book is to provide a convenient, portable resource to learn more about Editorial, how the app changed the way I work on iOS, and how, through Editorial’s automation, scripts, and workflows, it’s possible to turn an iPad into a powerful tool for writers.
I wrote the previous post in Editorial. It’s definitely not the first post I’ve ever written on iPad, with Byword being been my go-to writing app. But now, Editorial does so much more without getting in the way of what’s most important.
I just started reading the book (I actually bought it before I bought the app itself), and I’m only scratching the surface of what it’s capable of.